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Find a better way to deliver and compete with confidence

DevOps is not just about interdepartmental communication; rather, it’s about building the culture and providing value to an organization.

To create a successful DevOps culture, you need support and commitment from both IT and business executives, which can be a challenge to obtain. Education on the benefits of adoption of DevOps core values must be a high priority for anyone looking to lead a digital transformation at their company.

DevOps journey

How Will You Approach it?

Zero&One will make sure to demystify the uncertainty about what DevOps is and how it will benefit the organization. Then, we will craft a tailored roadmap and join you in the journey to implement a solid DevOps culture within your organization aimed at delivering business value quickly.


Setting up the stage
  • What is not DevOps
  • CAMS Methodology
  • Impact of change


Quantifying success
  • Delivery speed
  • value stream mapping
  • Quality


Defining responsibilities
  • IT responsibilities
  • Business responsibilities


Improving Communication
  • Education
  • Continuous Communication


Improving Visibility
  • Technical Monitoring
  • Business Monitoring
  • Three C's


Improving Cultures
  • Fostering Empathy
  • BuildingTrust
The Framework

DevOps values

We use a specific set of DevOps values as the framework for defining the term: CAMS. This acronym identifies the major areas of potential improvement for organizations: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing.


DevOps is about a culture shift, to promote collaboration and empathy both within and across diverse business units.


Remove manual steps from your value chain. Improve the time from inception to delivery to customer.


Threat measurement should be a core requirement for each component in your delivery model.


Creating robust feedback loops and being transparent with information will contribute to culture of collaboration and empathy.

Our Commitment

ROI With DevOps

To demonstrate the positive ROI of the DevOps initiative for your organization, we define, collect, and eventually present tangible metrics. We divide these metrics into two broad categories
delivery speed zeroandone
Delivery Speed
Time from inception to market
Time from commit to deploy
Value Stream Mapping zeroandone
Value Stream Mapping
Efficiency of individual steps
Delay, Blockers and inefficiencies
Quality zeroandone cloud adoption devops
Detect rate, change failure rate
Mean time to recovery
The 3C's

What's the 3C's process?

Monitoring has traditionally been a function of IT, focusing on system health. However, the health of the system is not valuable as a standalone measure. For organizations that rely on technology for their business success, monitoring efforts that are isolated to technical symptoms are at high risk for continuous failures. Focusing on metrics related to business success is vital for teams responsible for the health of the supporting system. The operations group needs to have access to business metrics of success in order to have a holistic view of the business’s health and to be able to properly detect, diagnose, remedy, and predict business-disrupting issues:

Zero&One follows the 3 C’s process: collect, collaborate, and correlate:

  • Collect data from all the sources, technical and nontechnical
  • Collaborate on data quality and relevance with different groups
  • Correlate different data points for a holistic view

DevOps on AWS

  • Infrastructure as code
  • Code Versioning
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continues Delivery
  • Monitoring
  • Security
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