To create a successful DevOps culture, you need support and commitment from both IT and business executives, which can be a challenge to obtain. Education on the benefits of adoption of DevOps core values must be a high priority for anyone looking to lead a digital transformation at their company.
Zero&One will make sure to demystify the uncertainty about what DevOps is and how it will benefit the organization. Then, we will craft a tailored roadmap and join you in the journey to implement a solid DevOps culture within your organization aimed at delivering business value quickly.
We use a specific set of DevOps values as the framework for defining the term: CAMS. This acronym identifies the major areas of potential improvement for organizations: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing.
DevOps is about a culture shift, to promote collaboration and empathy both within and across diverse business units.
Remove manual steps from your value chain. Improve the time from inception to delivery to customer.
Threat measurement should be a core requirement for each component in your delivery model.
Creating robust feedback loops and being transparent with information will contribute to culture of collaboration and empathy.