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Demystify your cloud spend and maximize your ROI.

Cloud computing requires a new approach to continuous monitoring and analysis to ensure your spend stays low and that you're getting the most out of your cloud resources.

Gain Visibility into Your Cloud Spend

Keeping track of the resources you are investing in is just one of many important considerations when you become cloud native. Zero&One has helped hundreds of companies analyze their AWS usage, services, and pricing options to ensure that they are only paying for what they need – drastically reducing their monthly spend.


Advocating for healthy cloud consumption

Analyse Idle Resources

Identify unused assets within your AWS environment

Store Strategically

Save money and ensure availability of resources

Update Resources

Get the best performance for the lowest price

Manage reserved instance (RI)

Identify where RIs can provide additional savings

Identify Mis-Provisioned Resources

Correctly configure resources to deliver performance

Distribute Content Strategically

Impact storage needs and lower ongoing costs

Case Study

Building .NET Applications on AWS

All FinTech industries make use of the latest technologies during their financial journey. Companies involved in this sector opt to provision a well-established platform that promotes greater security and higher resilience and bring greater customer satisfaction while utilizing the principle of least human efforts.
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