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Next Generation Managed Services


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Activity Items careone careone careone
Provisioning & Configuration Management
  • Setup, Configure & Operate AWS managed Resources​
  • Launch & Configure Infrastructure stacks & associated AWS resources​​
  • Remove Capacity when overprovisioned, Rightsizing resources​
  • Set and Manage Tag Policies​
  • Archival Policy Configuration. Archive rule to Glacier, EFS, S3 …​​
Conformance Pack Management​
  • Set Control Tower Detective Guardrails​
  • AI & ML Conformance policies Implementation​
  • Access policies Guardrails management​
  • RDS config Rules Implementation​
  • Containers EKS and ECS Security Policy and configs​​​
  • EC2 and Load Balancers Hardening​
  • Implement the needed conformance pack based on any available resource​
AWS Container Management​
  • Provision, Implement EKS and ECS Clusters and configuration​
  • Update, change and upgrade Pods and Clusters​
  • Set Backup and Autoscaling policies for Pods and Clusters​
Patch Management ​
  • Monitor & Report applicable OS Updates ​
  • Apply applicable patches and updates to AWS resources​
  • Create a Test machine to implement patches for testing and then move to Prod​
  • Tag instances to associate them with custom maintenance windows and Patch Baselines​
Application Lifecycle
  • Implement & Manage CICD Pipelines ​ ​
  • Infrastructure Provisioning and Deployment ​
  • Design & optimization of Standard Packs​
Continuity Management ​ ​
  • Specify backup schedules based on needed RTO and RPO for each resource available and filter them by Environment​ ​ ​
  • Execute and Validate backups daily​ ​
  • Restoration DryRun & DR Drills (if a DR strategy is defined)​
Security Management
  • Manage the lifecycle of users, rotate IAM credentials regularly, set password policies, apply the concept of least privilege, and enable MFA​
  • Check and Enable Security Services related to the AWS Account - Config Rules, Security Hub, VPC FLow logs, Cloudtrail logs ...​
  • Determine SSL certificates required for the workloads​
  • WAF Implementation, Configuration and Monitoring​
  • Manage privileged credentials for OS access provided to customer by Zero&One​
  • Manage federated authentication system(s) for customer access to AWS console/APIs (Through AD, SSO, or Control Tower)​
  • AWS Vulnerability Scanning​
  • Trend Micro deep security​
  • Conformity ongoing check for account security​
  • Conduct Black Box (Twice per year) Penetration testing​
Incident Management​
  • Proactively monitor and report incidents against defined metrics​
  • Categorize priority, respond and resolve incidents within ​committed SLAs ​
  • Assist in Application Level Troubleshooting​
Problem Management
  • Identify and remediate problems identified ​
  • Identify and report RCA post problem remediation​
Change Management​
  • Recommend Best practices & design solutions for RFCs​
  • Review and Approve RFCs​
  • Schedule & Report maintenance windows​
  • Request for change in scope
  • 1 Day
  • 2 Days
  • 3 Days
Logging & Monitoring​
  • Configuring alarms against customers/ workload defined metrics​
  • Installation & configurations of agents and scripts for monitoring, patching, security, etc..​
  • Monitoring alarms & recording AWS infrastructure change logs​
  • Recording application change logs​
  • Monitoring Application performance ​
  • Set Specific monitors and Anomaly detection Using Machine Learning models that predicts issues​
  • Trend Micro Security monitoring ​
  • Conformity governance monitoring​
Cost Management​
  • Perform ongoing cost management and resources cleanup​
  • Continuous cost optimization recommendation & implementation ​
  • Set billing & budget Alerts ​
  • Recommend and Implement Saving Plans and Reserved Instances​
  • On Demand
  • Shared
  • Dedicated

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